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About Eligibility Requirements

1. Can Non-Indonesian citizens apply?

Students must contact the National Committee representative of their country of citizenship. Only Indonesian citizens are eligible to apply through UWC Indonesia. If you are holding dual citizenship, one of them must be Indonesian.

2. I am an Indonesian citizen, but currently studying outside Indonesia. Can I apply?

Yes, you can. However, we prefer that you have lived a minimum of 8 years in Indonesia. 

3. I am currently enrolling in a National curriculum outside of Merdeka Belajar. May I apply?

Yes, you may.

4. Do I have to be fluent in English to apply?

No, you do not have to be fluent in English at the time of application. However, basic to intermediate understanding of English will be helpful during selection and the first months at UWC.

5. Are SMK/MAN/MA students eligible to apply?

Yes, as long as you are fulfilling other eligibility requirements. 

6. I am in grade 10. Can I apply?

Yes, you can.

7. I am grade 10, but studying the National Curriculum. Can I still apply?

Yes, you can.

8. I am in grade 10, but I am still 15 and will not be 16 by 1 July 2025. Can I still apply?

Not yet. The age restriction (16-19) must be followed strictly.

9. Can I apply now if I’m still 15 years old, but will be 16 years old on 1 July 2025?

Yes, you can as long as you are at least 16 years old by 1 July 2025. 

10. I have graduated from high school; can I still apply to UWC?

Unfortunately, no. UWC is open to current high school students only.

11. I applied last year but was not selected. Can I apply for UWC again this year?

As long as you still fulfil the eligibility criteria, yes you can apply.